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gForce 200 Armband User Guide

Nov 16th, 2020


gForce 200 Armband is a smart wearable Human Interface Device for gesture recognition. It recognizes gestures according to the sEMG signals of human forearms, and as well as calculates orientation data in quaternions or Euler Angles from its built-in 9-axis IMU.

Comparing with the other gesture recognition devices that are based on the computer vision technology, gForce Armband has the advantage of no dependency of ambient light, no strictness with angle, much lower energy and much lower cost.


Turning on/off

  • Turn on

    When gForce 200 Armband is off, its green LED light will be off. To turn it on, simply press and hold the button in the middle of its main block for about 1 second til the green LED is turned on.

    When gForce 200 Armband starts to power on, it will vibrate for about 0.2 second. Once it is successfully powered up, the green LED light flashes at a frequency of 1/4HZ with 2 seconds on and 2 seconds off.

    Make sure the armband has sufficient power, otherwise re-charge it with a micro USB line.

  • Turn off

    When gForce 200 Armband is on, pressing and holding the button for about 5 seconds and then releasing will turn it off. The green LED being off indicates the device has been turned off successfully.


If gForce 200 Armband is not in use, please turn it off. Right now the auto-low-power mode is not implemented yet.


gForce 200 Armband is equipped with Li-ion battery (200mAh). The USB port on the main block is used for battery re-charging.

During re-charging, the red light LED on the main block is on. Re-charging will maximally take 2 hours, and after re-charging completes, the red light LED is turned off.


gForce 200 Armband is NOT designed to work during re-charging, as this brings in electrical noise which contaminates the weak EMG biometric signals.

Other Status Indication

  • After successfully connecting with a BLE central device (e.g. gForceJoint, gForceDongle or any other BLE central device), the green LED light flashes at 5HZ when any data (e.g. quaternion, gesture or raw data) switch is on.

  • The device will vibrate for about 200ms when a gesture is recognized.

Instructions to Wearing and Performing Gestures

To make sure gForce armband can recognize your gestures, please refer to Guide to Performing Gestures and spend several minutes learning and training yourself. The recognition rate can reach 95% and even higher after you get familiar with performing the gestures properly.


When power on, the IMU directions are like this: IMU

But it will be reset when you press the multi-function button. You may view IMU data in gForce APP.

Predefined Gestures

The six predefined gestures are:

  • Fist
  • Spread Fingers
  • Wave In
  • Wave Out
  • Pinch
  • Shoot


When both your arm and hand are at a rest state, it will be recognized as a 'Relax' gesture.

Fetch Gesture/Quaternion/IMU Data

For data fetch, we offer SDK: Use gForceSDKCXX, gForceSDKCSharp, gForceSDKPython to fetch gesture/quaternion/IMU data, etc. See SDK list & gForceSDK manual for help.

User Guide

Click here for gForce200 user guide in PDF format.