SDK & Sample List
gForceSDK C++ for Windows
gForceSDK C++ for Windows include gForce SDK dll files and some simple examples for C++.
gForceSDK CSharp for Windows
gForceSDK CSharp for Windows include gForce SDK dll files for CSharp.
gForceSDK Python for Linux System with BLE support
gForceSDK Python for Linux is gForce SDK of python version under linux. Needs bluepy library to work. Recommend raspberry PI as running system.
gForceSDK Python for Windows/Linux System with BLE support
gForceSDK Python is gForce SDK of python version under linux. Contributed by Myelin-H.
gForceSDK for Unity
gforceu3d includes Unity3D example for using OYMotion devices, e.g., gForce200, gForcePro, gForceOct, gForceDual, gForceDuo, ORehabArm, ORehabLeg, etc.
gForceSDK for Arduino
gForceSDK Arduino is for using gForce200/gForcePro/gForcePro+ and gForceJoint with Arduino and Arduino-compatible devices. It offers an easy way for Arduino-alike devices to connect to gForce Armband and read data such as gestures and quaternions from it.
gForceSDK for Embedded
gForceSDK Embedded is for using gForce200/gForcePro/gForcePro+ and gForceJoint with embedded devices. It offers an easy way for embedded devices to connect to gForce Armband and read data such as gestures, quaternions and emg raw data from it.
gForceSDKAndroidDemo for Android
gForceSDKAndroidDemo is for using gForce200/gForcePro/gForcePro+ in Android based systems.